Sabbir Ahmed

Ph.D. Student/Research Assistant at UIowa


Hi, welcome to my personal website. I’m Sabbir Ahmed from Cumilla, Bangladesh (BD). I completed my Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (ETE) from Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET), one of the renowned public universities in BD.

I’ve joined the University of Iowa as a graduate student in the department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) from Spring ‘24. I’m currently working as a graduate research assistant in the Advanced Pulmonary Physiomic Imaging Lab (APPIL) and collaborating with the (CBIG) group. I’m conducting research to develop improved k-space trajectory design, off-resonance corrections, and motion compensated free-breathing Ultrashort Echo Time (UTE) pulmonary MR image reconstruction under the supervision of Prof. Sean Fain (UIowa) and Prof. Mathews Jacob (UVA). The goal is to achieve a better contrast-to-noise ratio and to improve spatial resolution in the lung parenchyma.

Besides, I like to explore new technologies, love to learn new things, and always feel curious about knowing every detail that excites me. I have a broad area of research interests, including but not limited to signal processing, compressive sensing, multimodal medical image processing, and machine learning. Earlier, I worked with speech signals to develop a robust speaker identification system for noisy and mismatched conditions. I feel excited about working on problems that would provide seamless interaction between intelligent machines and humans by combining features from different modalities. I always look for an opportunity to work in a team-based environment.

Apart from educational activities, I like to read blogs on programming, watch travel blogs, and work on exciting hobby projects. I also love traveling and exploring new places.


Aug 28, 2023 Submitted a review of an article for IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI).
Jul 29, 2023 Contributed to submit the technical report titled “Prediction of Behavioral Speech Intelligibility using a Computational Model of the Auditory System” in ISCA Clarity - 2023 Workshop.
Jul 29, 2023 Participated in The 2nd Clarity Predictioon Challenge with Mr. Nursadul Mamun by submitting the speech intelligibility scores.
Apr 16, 2023 Submitted a journal titled, “Cochleagram Based Noise Adapted Speaker Identification for Distorted Speech” in Elsevier Digital Signal Processing.

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